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I work in the people business, because after all, life is all about people, people you love and cherish, people you like, your family, your friends, your work colleagues, your schoolmates

Wednesday 27 May 2009

Wedding Speeches - How to Make a Good One.

I attended the wedding of my neice on Saturday and it was lovely, beautiful bride, handsome groom, great food, wine flowing and fantastic speeches. My nephew gave away the bride, his sister and was given the task of making a speech. He had obviously prepared well and included a mixture sadness, memories and laughter. Upon reflection today I considered other weddings I have attended where speeches haven't been so good, I can recall bridgrooms, bestmen and father of brides crumbling under the weight of the task. Most people detest public speaking and in polls it has come out more stressful than the thought of dying. Pretty drastic eh!, so I thought I would put some suggestions in this blog for would be wedding speech makers.

  • Do a mind map of all the key points, remember its a wedding speech not a seminar
  • Choose a funny story for the beginning
  • Thank the bridesmaids, mother of bride and groom etc.,
  • Remember to thank the guests
  • Don't stress most people will expect you to be nervous
  • Have some prompt cards prepared with the key points
  • Keep it brief, keep it simple, and keep it clean!
  • Most of all enjoy!

It would be useful to rehearse the speech in front of a mirror a couple of times. If you are very nervous you could always visit a life coach or seek some similar support to help you cope with nerves. Neuro Linguistic Programming provides excellent tools to help with pre-speech nerves.

1 comment:

  1. Nice suggestions for making a wedding speech. No doubt that there is anxiety to deliver an excellent speech in front of a big audience. It’s a good idea to break your speech into parts. This makes it easier to keep in mind and also it will help you to arrange everything you want to say in a right manner.
