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I work in the people business, because after all, life is all about people, people you love and cherish, people you like, your family, your friends, your work colleagues, your schoolmates

Friday 7 August 2009

How to ask Open Questions

I have found that one of the main problems that people have is how to ask good questions. Most people know that open questions are better than closed questions to get at the route of a problem. Yet it is still so easy to fall into the closed question trap.

Well what is the difference?

Open questions draw the client out as they offer the opportunity to look at the braoder picture. they are designed to encourage creative thought and allow the client to explore their ideas. Open questions ask for a more descriptive answer. they are non-judgemental. For example, "What are your plans to address this issue?" Your client/employee, feels unthreatened and can voice their ideas in confidence. Open questions cannot be answered with a simple Yes or No.

The opposite closed questions limit the person answering. They generally elicit simple one word answers or a yes/no response. They bring an end to the line of questioning and you have to start again.

Words like Who, What, How, When and Where are often used to start open questions. Openings such as , 'tell me' or 'describe to me' are also effective. Opening questionings like do, have, has, is and are lll tend to impose limits on the conversation.

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